
Madheshvani was established in 2005 A.D. (2061 B.S.) as a Madhesh issue base  in Nepal. Madheshvani encompasses the persons and organizations involved in communication with the public media via print, radio, television, internet, and journalism. Making citizens informed and preparing them to emphasize on precondition for any specific development works, however it is challenge, Madheshvani is taking an account.

Since the establishment of the Madheshvani it has been operating following activities;

1.   MADESHVANI VIEWS PAPER publication (Weekly)

2.   MADESH UPDATE NEWS publication (Daily)

3.   MADESH DARPAN FEATURE SERVICE publication (fortnightly)

4.   MADESHVANI Radio program operating in (Nepali language x 28 stations X 6 days in a week)

5.   MADESHVANI Website operation (



A main objective of the Madhesh Media House (MMH) and Madhesh Resource Centre (MRC) is to strengthen the Madheshi welfare organizations; media, civil society, political societies etc specially, Madheshi media organizaitons. However, following are the specific objectives of the project;

1.      To collect historical fact about Madhesh.

2.      To expose the anti Madheshi activities through feature program, seminar, and conferences.

3.       To collect and create Madhesh related documents, books, maps and historical facts.

4.       To develop information bank for Madhesh issue.

5.      To develop E- library ( One rupee One book)

6.        To create madhesh related documentary.

7.        To expose the anti Madheshi activities through feature.

8.        To develop information bank for Madhesh issue.

9.        To develop Madhesh Media House


Major outcomes of the Madhesh Media House (MMH) and Madhesh Resource Centre (MRC) establishment is the integration of Madhesh related media organizations mainly, Madheshi Patrakar Samaj, Madheshi Patrakar Sangrasha Samuha, Madheshi Patrakar Sangh, Madheshi Sampadak Samaj, Madhesh Patrakar Bikas Samaj and Muslim Patrakar Samaj in coordination of Media Action and Research Group (MARG). However, followings are specific outcomes;

1. The local journalists, civil society and stakeholders receive factual information of public demand, role of politician, Madhesh related historical facts. This will help in improving Madheshi Youth to be intellectual fighter.

2. Examine the role of media in awareness building and its relevance in the context of Nepalese Madhesh. Further, it attempts to make media more effective, and the role that donors can play in it.

3. It guarantees uninterrupted flow of information in the society that assures citizenry a secure method of obtaining facts, which are essential for helping them to take decisions appropriately.

4. The basic purpose of the Madhesh Media House is to network and overcome isolation in terms of success, failure, and visibility of information. 

5. Positive and informative massages deliver at local level that ultimately contributes to keep social harmony and solidarity among different ethnic groups and ultimate for national development.
6. Media center development and empowerment through strengthening coordination among print and electronic media.